Tentatively we are starting back Tuesday, February 4 @ 6:30pm
meeting at the Riverwalk Pavilion temporarily in Downtown

Join us Friday, Feb 14 @ 6:30pm at the Riverwalk Pavilion behind the
Performing Arts Center for a Free Valentine's Movie Night for Adults! We will be
showing Princess Bride. Come for free popcorn and we'll also have
Kingdom Man Catering onsite too for dinner purchases.

Next meeting is Tuesday, February 18 @ 6:30pm at Oscura in Bradenton

a new church experience


Woodland Downtown  is a place to experience a community like you haven't found any place else.

Our values are:
Connection, Culture & Creativity

|| We want to CONNECT a community by helping each person know that they are valued whether they know Jesus Christ yet or not.

|| We want to inspire an authentic CULTURE to become more like Jesus as we treat others compassionately.

|| We want and value CREATIVITY by sharing stories and the daily lifestyle of walking as a Christian.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God...
1 John 4:7

Woodland Downtown is a great place to make new friends and find purpose as we change the world together with the love of Christ!


Even though we meet on Tuesday nights we believe that.... EVERY DAY MATTERS! Each day is unique and a time to experience and show God's love. We believe that there can never be too much love in a community and our showing it has the potential to change a culture for the good. It happens when we live life together by encouraging one another and helping each other be who God created us to be.


We would love to have you on our email list and keep you in the loop! Whether you want to join our launch team or just come and hangout with us on Tuesday nights, we want to hear from you and keep in touch!


A New Church Experience

Our gatherings will have more of a "small group" feel. Pastor Tim Passmore will offer a short message to everyone which then will transition into small group discussions. It's like going to a coffee chat/discussion with friends. The messages will parallel the sermons that are given on Sundays at the Main Woodland Campus but be shorter and more discussion-oriented.  Come expecting a new experience! Also, this location will not have any Children's programming, but we do offer quite a bit for children & students at our main campus if interested!

We will offer free finger foods & drinks for those that want to hang out and meet some new people from the Woodland Community. Also, Bradenton DOWNTOWN is in an incredible location to get a bite to eat in an area restaurant, grab some ice cream or take a walk down the River Walk after our gathering. It’s a great way to get to know someone new.  Check back for our events we will be having downtown! We are excited to see you at the new WOODLAND DOWNTOWN Church Experience!